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My 3 Marathon Motivation Strategies

My 3 Marathon Motivation Strategies

I'm attempting to try something new this year - I've committed to running a marathon and I'm aiming to complete it in under 3 hours and 50min. This is very different from my typical training goals that have been very strength focused for some time now and I know in order to successfully achieve this I need the right motivation. I'm still 17 weeks from race day and a long way from claiming any sort of success but I'm laying down some mindset groundwork early and I thought I'd share the process with you. Here are 3 motivational strategies that I'm always asking my clients to apply but now it's my turn to put it into practice...

Don't Let Your New Year's Motivation Fade

Don't Let Your New Year's Motivation Fade

The start of the year is a time for setting new health & fitness goals for many of us, which is great, but setting goals and even establishing well thought out strategies to achieve them is simply not enough. So many goals decided on the 1st of January unfortunately fail and I've noticed that it's because something important is often missing from the start. Don't let your new year's motivation fade, make sure you've considered this... 

Why Are You Waiting For January?

Why Are You Waiting For January?

Do you have health & fitness goals that are important to you but pushed to the side just because it's December? Should we accept that nothing great is achieved in the last month of the year and just set a new goal to begin the 1st of January? I hope not! If you're thinking about abandoning your health & fitness goals during December I want you to ask yourself these 5 questions...

5 Tips To Help Stay Motivated During Winter

5 Tips To Help Stay Motivated During Winter

Do you feel your motivation slowly slipping as the days get shorter & the weather gets cooler?  You're certainly not alone. Training in Winter can be hard but don't let it stop you! Here are 5 practical tips to help you stay motivated to train during Winter.... 

7 Tips To Achieve Your New Year's Fitness Resolution

7 Tips To Achieve Your New Year's Fitness Resolution

75% failed by the end of January and 95% by the end of the year - that's an unfortunate fate for the vast majority of news year's resolutions. Don't repeat past failures this year - check out these 7 Tips To Achieve Your New Year's Fitness Resolution. 

6 Steps to Set & Achieve Your Fitness & Weight Loss Goals

6 Steps to Set & Achieve Your Fitness & Weight Loss Goals

Knowing how to set effective weight loss and fitness goals could be the difference between the success and failure of your exercise program. A big part of what I do as a personal trainer is set goals for my clients. This requires time, thought and planning but if done correctly can significantly increase the chances of making goals possible. Here are 6 steps to help you set and achieve your weight loss and fitness goals.