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5 Step Plan For Smart Snacking

5 Step Plan For Smart Snacking

If you find yourself uncontrollably snacking on foods with high energy, high fat and very little nutrition benefit then this plan is for you! This 5 step plan for smart snacking ‘allows’ but delays your 'empty energy treat' (a food with a lot of energy but very little nutrition benefit) with the aim to satisfy cravings with nutritious foods first. Smart snacking for effective weight control requires an action plan - the goal of this plan is to avoid poor snack choices, satisfy hunger and achieve good nutrition at snack time. Check it out here…

What Vegetables Are Starchy?

What Vegetables Are Starchy?

When we think about eating for weight control we rarely consider vegetables as a potential pitfall. The public health message about vegetables in my opinion is far to vague. If you simply follow the general recommendation of 'going for 5' everyday with no other considerations you may end up with far more carbohydrate on your plate then you need. Starch is a carbohydrate, and as the name suggests, starchy vegetables have a lot of it.  Let's take a closer look at which vegetables are starchy, how much carbohydrate they contain and how much we really should be having. 

Weight Loss Tip: Spread Out Your Carbohydrate Intake During the Day

Weight Loss Tip: Spread Out Your Carbohydrate Intake During the Day

One of the first things I tell my clients (after I explain what carbohydrate is and where it comes from)  is to spread out their carbohydrate intake as evenly as possible throughout the day. Instead of 2-3 large servings of carbohydrate, aiming to eat every 2-4 hours and including a small amount of unprocessed / minimally processed carbohydrate is preferred. Why is this better? For a number of reasons all great for weight loss. Let me explain...

Weight Loss Tip: Easy Fruit Eating Tips to Lose Weight

Weight Loss Tip: Easy Fruit Eating Tips to Lose Weight

Fruit, it's good for us, we need to eat it, but it can be detrimental to weight loss - how can we include fruit in our diet without it becoming a problem? Here are 5 easy tips to help you choose the best variety, know how much to eat, how often to eat it and what to eat it with.