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Christmas Party

Christmas Party - 2 Weeks From Today!

Christmas Party - 2 Weeks From Today!

We are only 2 weeks away from our Christmas Party! It's going to be a great night and we would love to see you there - partner or friend welcome too (of course!). Please let us know if you are coming as soon as possible by emailing or by writing your name on our RSVP list at your Drive Fitness studio. Check out your party invite here for full details...

You're Invited To Our Christmas Party

You're Invited To Our Christmas Party

It's Christmas, well not quite, but we're having a party anyway!  Come and join us for a casual catch up out of the gym, drinks (available from the bar) & nibbles (provided all night), prizes to be given away, awards presented and 50 Day Weight Loss Challenge winners to be announced. It's a huge night and we would love your company. Details below...