With a continuously running clock complete 3 rounds to achieve as many reps as possible in total. You cannot move on to the next exercise until the minute has elapsed and you can use your time however you like to achieve the best possible score - rest when you feel like it and as often or as little as you like within your allocated time . Keep your score to achieve your fitness checkpoint total. 

  • 1 minute Squats
  • 1 minute Push Ups
  • 1 minute Lunges
  • 1 minute Sit Ups
  • 1 minute rest 

Scaling Down.

Drop your push ups to the knees, squat & lunge only as low as you can go comfortably and sit up only as high as you can go comfortably. 

Technique Tip! 

Aim to get your hips lower than your knees on every squat then return to a fully extended upright position with shoulders above hips, hips above knees & knees above ankles. 

Got Equipment? 

If you have suspension bands, a chin up bar or something to hang under and pull yourself up from add 1 minute of chin ups or body rows after the lunges.