2020 at Drive Fitness didn’t play out the way we expected but it was still an amazing year for so many reasons that we could never have predicted. Thank you to our awesome clients and personal trainers for sharing 2020 with me - as always it’s greatly appreciated and never taken for granted. As tradition dictates here are my 5 Drive Fitness Highlights of 2020.

1. The Support Received From Our Community

I typically don’t arrange my highlights for the year in any particular order but on this occasion the overwhelming support received from our clients during the period of fitness facility forced shutdown (from the 23 March to 1 June - I’ll never forget) is a standout number 1 for 2020. I still find it incredibly difficult to put my gratefulness into words; from the entire Drive Fitness team, Lisa and I, we thank all of you for supporting us. Whether it was by continuing training with our adjusted service delivery, returning to Drive Fitness when we were able to re-open or simply your kind words of support along the way we appreciate it.

2. The Trainers Hand Ball Tournament

The trainers hand ball tournament is typically a mid year tradition at Drive Fitness and it looked for a while as if it may not happen in 2020. We managed to squeeze it in mid December with a Christmas theme and it was awesome. On a year with so many false starts organising a team get together it was real highlight to finally catch up with all the trainers out of Drive Fitness gear! As you’d expect, nothing can be done around here without it getting competitive but we wouldn’t want it any other way. Thank you team for a great night and an awesome way to celebrate the year together.

3. Our Client’s Results Amongst Changing Routines

Every year the amazing results achieved by our clients is a highlight for me. Even after 16 years as a personal trainer being a part of the process of helping our clients reach their goals is the best part of my job. This year however the results stand out to me as being even more impressive because they were achieved during forced changes to routine for so many. Well done to everyone who managed to keep their training on track throughout this year - I know from speaking to so many of you that it wasn’t always easy.

4. The Quick Response From Our Team

The willingness of our personal training team to adapt quickly enabled us to deliver an adjusted service from the first day restrictions were introduced and throughout the entire shut down period. Live streaming boot camp and personal training sessions replaced regular face to face sessions for many while online personal training programs worked for others. Similarly, when restrictions eased and fitness facilities were permitted to re-open the foresight & preparedness of our team enabled us to be ready in our studios from the first day (even though it came with less than 24 hours notice). The ability of our team to work together, respond so quickly & innovate is a special highlight of 2020 for me.

5. Massive Run Club Numbers

At the start of 2020 we set out on a path to take a running team to the Brisbane Running Festival 10km event in June. With the date set and program in place we had some amazing Saturday morning run club sessions with greater than 25 people in attendance. It was awesome to have such a great group of people to run / walk with on Saturday morning and enjoy coffee with following. I look forward to getting the run club back together in 2021 with a new event date set! Who’s with me…

It’s been my absolute pleasure and privilege to share another 12 months with you and I wish you a blessed new year and a 2020 filled with good health & so much fitness.

David Eggins | Personal Trainer & Owner at Drive Fitness | dave@drivefitness.com.au