With a continuously running clock complete as many levels as possible (last as long as possible). without stopping or pausing the clock between levels. When you fall to the ground or when you can no longer hold correct position the test is over, record your level. Your score is the last level you completed in full. Technique points to remember: 1) hips & shoulders square to the ground, 2) knees straight & 3) hip height level with shoulder height.

THEN - After you have finished the test and recorded your level. 

Complete 3 sets of the last level you successfully completed. with 1 minute rest between sets. 

Level 1

  • 60 second Plank Hold

Level 2

  • 30 second Plank Hold (right foot off the ground with leg straight)
  • 30 second Plank Hold (left foot off the ground with leg straight)

Level 3

  • 30 second Plank Hold (right arm off the ground straight out in front of the body)
  • 30 second Plank Hold (left arm off the ground straight out in front of the body) 

Level 4

  • 30 second Plank Hold (left arm off the ground straight out in front of the body & right foot off the ground with leg straight)
  • 30 second Plank Hold (reft arm off the ground straight out in front of the body & left foot off the ground with leg straight)

Scaling Down. 

Drop to your knees for the plank hold while still keeping hip height level with the height of the shoulders and keeping hips and shoulders square to the ground..