The 12 Exercises Of Christmas Workout starts now! The Drive Fitness personal trainers have set you a target to beat and our scores are on the whiteboard at your personal training studio. Checkout the workout announcement here…

With a 25min time limit complete exercise 1, followed by exercise 2 then 1, followed by exercise 3,2,1, then 4,3,2,1 so on and so forth until exercises 12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 or 25min expires. 

12 Exercises of Christmas Workout 2020

1. 100m Run
2. 2 Super Man Burpees
3. 30 Skips
4. 4 Back Step Lunges (each leg)
5. 5 Renegade Rows (each arm) (15kg/10kg)
6. 6 Medicine Ball Ground to Overhead (9kg/6kg)
7. 7 Shoulder Tap Push Ups
8. 8 Kettlebell High Pulls (20kg/12kg)
9. 9 Bench Hops (each side)
10. 10 Dumbbell Kneeling Press (each arm) (12.5kg/7kg)
11. 11 Bulgarian Bag Lamb Throws (each side) (12kg/8kg)
12. 12 Calorie SkiERG